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Pay attention to the mooncake food safety
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Pay attention to the mooncake food safety |
Mooncake is a traditional food for Chinese to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival (August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar). In every Mid-Autumn Festival, food manufacturers usually try to promote all kinds of mooncake to the market as early as they can, even quite some time before the festival date and everyone loves to enjoy this traditional festival with mookcake. Not only that the popular traditional mooncake, e.g. lotus seed paste mooncake, assorted nuts mooncake, Icy/Snowy mooncake and ice cream mooncake, the new styles of mooncake with fruits paste, bean paste, and bird’s nest as stuffing are also welcomed by the public.
However, consumer should pay attention to the product instruction or nutrient label (e.g. sugar, fat, etc) printed on the mooncake packaging on their purchasing. Nonetheless, they should not ignore the food safety issues of the production process on mooncakes. In addition, food manufacturers should also take necessary precautions to enhance the food safety of the mooncakes.
The production process of the traditional Guangdong mooncake can be divided into purchasing raw materials, storage, preparation, baking, cooling, packaging, storage and transportation. Raw lotus seeds are cooked, ground and then wrapped, with a salted egg yolk, by a flour pastry. The wrapped product is then molded and baked at about 200oC-300oC for 15-25 minutes. The mooncakes are packaged and ready for delivery after cooling. In the procedure of handling and manipulating of the lotus seed pastes and flour may introduce some bacteria into the semi-finished products. The high baking temperature virtually eliminates all bacteria presented for the traditional mooncake. However, all the ingredients used in the production of snowy mooncake have been cooked before molding. As of taking out the final baking step in the production of snowy mooncake, thus its microbiological risk is higher than the traditional mooncake. Therefore, tighten temperature control is required during transportation and storage for the icy/snowy mooncake.
List of suggested test: (Information from Centre for Food Safety; Food legislation Guideline) |
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Reference links:
http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/curiosity/topics/10-genetically-modified-food-products.htm |
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to get more information about food safety and our testing services. |
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